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Problem with FTM version 2014.1

Discussion in 'Family Tree Maker' started by chrissy1, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    Compacting the tree with the box to 'perform extended analysis' ticked has sorted out the mirror image duplicates and the multiple duplicates on my 'spare' tree. There are no more mirror duplicates, over 1,000 less names in the index and the tree doesn't freeze any more when I access the Zurlinden surname - and I always thought the problem was due to it being the last name in the index and maybe my tree was too big! I can even access the index for 'Z' as well. Success!
    Many thanks to everyone for their help. I am so grateful, but especially to 'At home in NZ' who came up with the solution. So simple, when you know how! I can't tell you how relieved I am that my tree is back to normal.
  2. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar


    Now make sure you back it up... just in case!
  3. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    All you need to do now Chris is upgrade to the latest FTM2019 software :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    Advice was to back up and tick the 'perform external analysis box' so all done, thanks. SO relieved. I had visions of losing 30+ years of research. I would have always had the Ancestry tree as a near perfect back up, but FTM has always been my main tree.
  5. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    I agree with Tim, even though the tree is in good shape, I would still upgrade your software to make sure that your file doesn't become corrupted again!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    When FTM can offer discs again (it's download only available at present) I probably will upgrade, though I don't think I want to sync FTM and Ancestry again. I am terrified of the thought of upgrading, as I never have a clue what I am doing and although I have backups, I don't know what to do with them. I did find it quite reassuring when FTM had a telephone help line and someone could guide me through the process step by step and explain in simple terms. Now it's all by e-mail or online chat and they expect me to both use and understand their computer jargon.........

    I wonder what problems I could manage to manufacture during the process of upgrading....................? Scary thought! I will feel a lot safer upgrading when I have fully updated my tree on Ancestry - or if I could manage to save a GEDCOM.
  7. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    You do the following to save a GEDcom of your FTM tree:
    • Go to the "File" drop down menu
    • Choose "Export"
    • Change the "Output format" to GEDcom - make sure "all individuals" is flagged, as well as having a tick next to all the notes options.
    • Then it will give you a file browser to choose where you save your GEDcom - this would be the point you have a USB or Drive inserted and chose that option.
    • Then you click Save.
    • It will show a progress bar and tell you when it has been fully exported. The GEDcom will then appear where you saved it.
    To create a GEDcom of your Ancestry tree:
    • Go to "Tree settings", which can be found by clicking on the name of your tree when you're viewing the tree. (top, left hand corner)
    • In the first menu that appears (under the "Tree Info" tab) on the right hand side is an option "Manage tree" with a green "Export" button.
    • Clicking the Export button will created a progress bar, and when this finishes, the Export button will be replaced with "Download your GEDcom"
    • You download the GEDcom created and save it somewhere on your computer or external media.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    This is exactly what I tried to do.......
    I had an external hard drive attached and asked the GEDCOM from FTM to save to the external drive, but on each occasion the save ran for about 10 mins and then switched off, even though it was incomplete. I am not sure if the external hard drive is at fault as if left unattended for any length of time it does automatically 'switch off' and detach itself from the computer, if that makes sense. I haven't got a pen drive big enough to store the GEDCOM, as I never use them.

    In trying to save the GEDCOM (from FTM) to my computer instead sine using the external hard drive wasn't working, I must be doing something wrong, as each time I ended up with a new tree installed on FTM and no saved GEDCOM.

    Saving a GEDCOM from Ancestry isn't an option at present as that tree is not up to date.
  9. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    At a guess, you must have followed on after the saved download and then -knowingly or unknowingly -uploaded it to FTM; which is why you get a new Tree. This is often the reason for saving a Gedcom of course, but if you want the Gedcom for another reason - as a backup perhaps or to upload elsewhere (in my case to FTA) - then you just need to know where it is saved. I always save Gedcoms from whatever source to my PC's Download folder where it can be located easily and distinguished by its saved date. If I want to use the saved Gedcom to update my FTM Tree, then of course I import it to FTM.

    I hope that is not too complicated to understand, but in essence the Gedcom HAS TO BE SAVED SOMEWHERE for it to be uploaded to FTM. Try checking your Download folder, you might find it there.
  10. It is unlikely to be in the download folder as you have to nominate where you want it be saved.
    I have a specific set of folders in my File Explorer for FTM files, one set of folders for each tree. When I create a GEDCOM I select the appropriate folder for it to go to.
    I do the same with the back ups that are created when you do the full compact.
  11. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    I agree and I nominate my Downloads folder every time and, although not quite so tidy minded as having specific FTM folders (other than the ones automatically created by FTM to store 'ftm' data) at least I know ALL downloads will be in my Downloads folder . This includes media (jpg/mp4), software and sundry others, and yes, calls for periodic clear outs. If I wish to retain something I might then create a dedicated file, but to trace something of recent date (the last month or so) it is the Downloads folder every time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    The Export usually defaults to saving the GEDcom into the same folder as the tree is already stored in (i.e. the Family Tree Maker folder), at least in the Mac experience. It also will use the same file name, so you could be simply adding copies of the tree to the FTM folder.

    It does sound strange that it's not exporting properly.

    You have to change it manually to get it to save it elsewhere. I tend to save mine into my Dropbox folder so that I can access the file from my PC to run the PC FTAnalyzer as well as the Mac version.
  13. I am using FTM 2017, if it's the same as FTM2014.1 it asks you to nominate the destination. The drop down list includes 'Other' and that is where you tell it where to save the GEDCOM if you don't want it to go to the default folder.
    Choosing 'Other' opens my file explorer (I'm on standard PC with Windows 10), I then select the folder I want it to go to. If I had a USB or a disc inserted, I could select that.
  14. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    Nicely (and simply) explained and whilst MY default for downloads is always to the Downloads folder (for reasons already explained) where MacKiev is concerned I always check via 'Other' that this is the case. This is especially necessary of course if wishing to save to an external drive, or to USB/DVD ... if the latter still available, as DVD drives are disappearing fast, especially from laptops.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  15. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    I am not sure what a downloads folder is or where to find it, but maybe it would accept the word 'desktop', as I know I can locate that! That was where the problem arose, as I don't know my way around my computer storage system and didn't know what to put when it asked where to save the GEDCOM, since the external hard drive kept switching off mid save. I will pluck up the courage to try again. (I don't use USB sticks or discs, even though I work on a desktop which has a disc drive and spaces for USBs and a massive desk space for writing notes.) If only my education had included technology!

    FTM program crashed again last night, so I tomorrow am going to investigate whether this is what has been causing the mirror images. If I can remember what name was open when it crashed, I will see if this name has duplicated.......... I also need to investigate how to unclutter my computer as it is beginning to run more slowly. I believe there is a browsing history somewhere on Win 10 which I can erase.......
  16. Is that where you are trying to save the GEDCOM? If so, you still need to use the drive name in the option in FTM.
  17. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    It is one of a handful of default Folders built into Windows: the main four being Desktop, Documents, Downloads & Pictures. They can all be located in File Explorer (easily found be pressing the Windows icon key & 'E' ) or simply type File Explorer in the search box (bottom left - usually shown with a spyglass icon). Once you have File Explorer open you can locate all of the default folders and see what programs they contain.
  18. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    Thanks, Bob. I will look. (I appreciate the straightforward explanation, too, as I don't understand computer terminology.)
    I have been having a break from family history for a few days and been constructing a photobox photo album of my last holiday to remind me of sunnier times.
  19. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    I WAS, but the hard drive kept switching itself off part way through.....before the process had finished.
  20. I wonder if it doesn't have enough capacity for your tree. It might be switching of because it can't hold any more.

    Look at your tree in FTM, on the Current Tree tab you should see 'number of people', 'marriages' then 'file size'.
    Take note of the file size and compare it to the capacity of the hard drive.

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