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  5. It's easier than ever before to check your entries from the 1881 Census - more details here

Findmypast has new look

Discussion in 'Latest news' started by peter, Dec 17, 2019.


What do you think of the new Findmypast look

  1. Great improvement

  2. Interesting

  3. Makes a change

  4. Makes no difference to me

  5. Don't like it

  6. Not sure yet

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  1. LynSB

    LynSB LostCousins Member

    I bought computer glasses and found they made things worse. The opticians admitted that they weren’t suitable for the size of monitor I use. Fortunately they replaced them with a different type of lens and now I find them invaluable.
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I've never heard of computer glasses, but the size of the monitor shouldn't make any difference - it's the distance from the screen that determines the prescription, and that's more about personal preference.
  3. LynSB

    LynSB LostCousins Member

    You are right. The size of the screen meant I viewed from a certain optimum distance and that was what the original glasses were wrong for.
  4. PhilGee

    PhilGee LostCousins Member

    The offer arrived "instantly" :eek: My subscription ended yesterday and I was offered half-price membership when I logged in 30 minutes ago :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. MarionK

    MarionK Moderator Staff Member

    Same here. My subscription expired on 31 December. When I logged in on 1 January, the half price offer was there
  6. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Same happened for me back in August, half price offer came the same day my previous subscription expired. Clearly Ancestry can't bear to lose our custom, even for 1 day.
  7. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?? I never log out of Ancestry and I always have an annual sub which means Ancestry has my credit card details.
    Last renewal I added Fold3 to my All Access membership and I received an email from Ancestry which told me how thrilled they were to welcome me as a new member.:rolleyes:
    I don't understand why the renewal was for 13 months, expires on 3 June.
  8. PhilGee

    PhilGee LostCousins Member

    Did you cancel the "auto-renew"? I always do that in the last week of the subscription and select "taking a break" as the reason.
  9. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    I do the same as you, Phil (after you offered this tip previously - thanks!).

    AHINZ, I think you'll find that Ancestry has 'auto-renew' set as default and you need to cancel your subscription before it gets auto-renewed at full price. You can also give 'too expensive' as your reason for cancelling.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
  10. canadianbeth

    canadianbeth LostCousins Star

    I am pretty sure that I cancelled the auto-renew but cannot find out now where it is. How do I find out if I have indeed done that? All I see is that it ends in March.
  11. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Unlike FMP where there is a clear 'auto-renew' button that you can turn on or off, Ancestry just assume auto-renewal unless you cancel. Cancelling is easy to do via the 'cancel my subscription' link at the bottom of the Subscriptions section of the 'Your Account' page. You can do this anytime and the subscription will run until the expiry date and then be cancelled. I tend to do it when I get the email telling me my subscription is about to auto-renew.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  12. I like that one!
    I'll make a diary note to do that.
    Thanks a lot Helen.
  13. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    FMP may have a new look, but I am currently not too pleased with it throwing up so many 'No Results Found' (NRF) particularly when searching in Census records - when clearly there ARE results. In almost every case (one or two exceptions) Ancestry finds the family I seek, and if I appease the sensitivity of FMP's search engine, by removing actual place names, or playing 'silly devils' using ? or * wild cards, it may (only may) also achieve results.

    I would add it mostly occurs when choosing the appropriate E&W Census (through A-Z Records Sets) when the records I seek concern Warwickshire. Merely typing the county generates an instant 'NRF'! Woe betide I should advise an actual place name that would aggravate the situation completely.

    I am well aware of the idiosyncrasy of FMP preferring 'less is more' and it is an idiosyncrasy because if I omit ANY mention of place it finds (as in one recent incident) 1290 results or (also as recent) after receiving a 'NRF' the omission of the county offers 16 results. Then, yes you've guessed it, when trawling through the 16 results, the one I want will almost certainly be located in the place name (previously rejected) and most certainly in Warwickshire. I utter a few choice words you can be sure.:mad:

    For the good of my health (and temper) I am trying to stick with Ancestry. I admit it has an advantage over FMP because, more often than not, I am searching via an Ancestor's page for a missing Census (mainly 1881 and 1841 as most were not alive for the 1911 Census) and, as it already has most of the information, it finds what I want with apparent ease. (As I would expect). On the occasion this not happen it has always been my practice to turn to FMP and -other than drawing a blank there also (which happens) of course - finding what I seek. But not apparently if the ancestor resided in Warwickshire!

    I tell myself that it can't just be a Warwickshire thing causing it to have the 'ad dabs' (whatever they are), so can I have other opinions please?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2020
  14. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    OK you have me here - and not just you Helen - will someone kindly explain why ones needs to cancel a subscription (and apparently renew later) when one has had (in my case certainly) the subscription for 'n' number of years, and intends for it to continue?

    I am of course well aware one has the option to cancel if the subscription price has been hiked out of reason, or one has a 'beef' over service, or whatever...but just to cancel in the hope it bring some special discount (and I am not convinced it does, or is worth the effort to cancel and renew) makes no sense. If it ain't broke, leave it alone, but clearly others disagree. Why?
  15. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Bob, There is a link for Ancestry that will give a 50% off. It only works if you don't have a current subscription. Therefore you cancel the auto renew and once your subscription runs out, you use the link and save a lot of money.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Bob, have you considered loading your tree to FMP? Or maybe just a small subset of people from Warwickshire and see how it deals with the hints for those?
  17. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    If you want to specify birthplaces in censuses you need to know a little about the history of Findmypast. They didn't transcribe most of the censuses themselves - three were transcribed by Origins (1841, 1871, and 1891 - if I remember rightly), one was transcribed by volunteers co-ordinated by FamilySearch (1881), and one was transcribed by family history societies (1851).

    As with parish register transcriptions there was little consistency across the different sources. Consequently I rarely use birthplaces when searching at Findmypast and in my Masterclass I recommend that others don't either. (A similar problem applies to searching by occupation, though this is so useful - when it works - that it's worth trying.)

    Anyone who can find a census record at one site but not another should investigate the discrepancy since they're likely to learn something, useful. For example, they might discover a more effective search technique, one that they can pass on to others - indeed, that's how I put together my Masterclasses.
  18. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    Yes thanks Tim, I now see the £.s.d logic of why people do such things and believe me I am not against making savings. Even so I would have to be convinced that having to upload new Trees (I have more than one and 3 are DNA linked) would not be detrimental, either to the way they perform or to my own perception of same. In short I am too set in my ways to 'play the field' and most likely will continue as I am. (I believe it is called the quite life).

    I feel the same when it comes to House Insurance and Car Insurance renewals. In the past family and friends have suggested I should consider using 'Comparison sites' so I end up getting quotes offering 50% or more savings, but when comparing like for like, few are worth considering. Once cover is adjusted to match that previously enjoyed, savings tend to go out the window. Then there is the accompanying bureaucracy associated with change - filling out online forms and reading more legal 'you should be aware of ' bumf. In the end I tend to stay where I am, or perhaps revert to a previous insurer.
  19. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    I have considered this Tim mainly because FMP constantly remind it would be beneficial, but have yet to be persuaded. I can see why it might be beneficial if it afforded the same benefit enjoyed by Ancestry when searching from within an Ancestors page. It is certainly something to think about and perhaps trying just a small subset might be a good way to test it out. I have put it on my 'to do' list and thank you for the tip.
  20. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Why would you have to upload new trees? You keep the same trees, including DNA linked ones, if you cancel your Ancestry sub then renew at a later date.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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