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If you're looking for the LostCousins site please click the logo in the top left corner - these forums are for existing LostCousins members only.
This is the LostCousins Forum. If you were looking for the LostCousins website simply click the logo at the top left.
It's easier than ever before to check your entries from the 1881 Census - more details here
Australia - More resources
The key resources for the country will be collected together on the Resources page - and from time to time resources posted here by members will be added to that page (at which point the relevant posting will be deleted from this forum to avoid duplication). There are two ways you can help. One is to check out resources before posting them here - it may seem obvious but you'd be surprised how many people post links without checking them out first. The other is to rate resources that others have listed here, using the icons. This will help the volunteers who manage this forum to decide which resources should be transferred to the main Resources page.
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