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Ancestry Matches 7cM and less

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by Andrew Lloyd, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. Charles

    Charles LostCousins Member

    Peter (or others)

    Sorry a lot of questions

    wrt to the Zoom Conference

    Was there any timescale given for the further information on pre- and post-Timber figures?
    Was there any timescale for how and what is going to make it easier for those who know little or nothing about their family tree?

    wrt to other messages above

    What are the limitations of DNA - do you mean the number of generations back that DNA can be reliably used?
    Isn't the limitations where it cannot be backed up by record based research?
    DNA matches are useful in opening up new lines of enquiry but need to be backed up by proper research - the fact that the DNA might be from another ancestor does not surely invalidate proper genealogical research.

    wrt to pile-up areas

    On other websites with chromosome browsers, these pile-up areas are identified or can be examined.
    How do we know whether the pile-ups that Ancestry find are real pile-ups or just parts of our family trees that have not been linked by genealogical research.
    A chromosome browser would help but not solve this problem.
    Are there any articles on pile-ups on Ancestry and how to identify them?
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I don't remember a timescale being quoted. The new feature that will help beginners is already being trialled for some US users.
    It's a lot more complex than that. To fully understand the limitations requires experience and knowledge which few family historians are ever likely to acquire, which is why I encourage them to stick to what Ancestry offers. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
    Ancestry identify the pile-up areas so you don't need to. - that's the advantage of having over 18 million results in their database.

    If you want to learn more about DNA start at the ISOGG website and follow the links to blogs and papers. Some of the information will inevitably be out of date. There is a short discussion of pile-up areas here But unless you're an expert statistician and have a good understanding of population genetics best to leave it to the experts.
  3. Charles

    Charles LostCousins Member

    This was a response that Peter made awhile ago about saving DNA matches with less than 8cM
    I asked if I saved a link with "John Smith" (6cM) on my DNA list by either adding it to a group or adding a coloured dot or a note, would this mean that "John Smith" would see me on his DNA match list.

    This is not the case, as I have just been added as a viewer to a known cousin's DNA match list and her match to another DNA cousin (7cM) is not on her list (as not saved) but is on the other DNA cousin's list as he had saved it to a group.
    Has there been any responses similar to this on the website? or any comments from Ancestry?
  4. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Before Ancestry imposed the 8 cM cutoff, I noted a couple of matches of 6-7 cM that ThruLines suggested were related to me but I wasn't sure (so I added a note to that effect to save them). Now further DNA matches have appeared on the same branch and further research has made me much more confident that the original small matches were genuine.

    When sending a message to one of these DNA matches (6 cM) today, I see that under 'DNA relationship to you' it says this person is 'either not a DNA match or has not taken a DNA test.' which presumably means I am not on his match list. In my message I mentioned the other DNA matches (>8cM) I have on this branch, so hopefully he will have those too.
  5. Charles

    Charles LostCousins Member

    Even though previous message from Ancestry and others stated that the link would stay on both your DNA list and their DNA list. This is not the case if they did not save it with a note/dot/etc.
    He will have the mutual >8cM (as long as they are greater than >8cM for him as well). Hope he makes contact.
  6. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    This is unlikely. My message list now shows no record of the message I sent earlier today (a short polite message, my first to him), and if I try to send another it just says that 'the user is not accepting any messages'. Oh well, I tried.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020

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