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  5. It's easier than ever before to check your entries from the 1881 Census - more details here

'Who do you think you are' website

Discussion in 'Latest news' started by EileenF, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. EileenF

    EileenF LostCousins Member

    Peter mentioned in his last newsletter that you can create your own story on this new website, which sounded very interesting. I logged on and started - but then it occurred to me that I was putting personal information on it and I wondered how public it was. If I ring my bank, they ask me to state my date of birth and mother's maiden name. Could someone pick up at least some of this info from this and similar websites? What do other members think?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Great question Great question x 1
  2. AdrienneQ

    AdrienneQ Moderator Staff Member

    I have been suggesting to people for a long time "mother's maiden name" is one of the easiest pieces of information to find out about them and its best not to use it.

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