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  2. If you're looking for the LostCousins site please click the logo in the top left corner - these forums are for existing LostCousins members only.
  3. This is the LostCousins Forum. If you were looking for the LostCousins website simply click the logo at the top left.
  4. It's easier than ever before to check your entries from the 1881 Census - more details here


Discussion in 'Welcome to the LostCousins forums' started by peter, May 3, 2013.

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  1. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member


    The purpose of this forum is to support the LostCousins website and its members who are devoted and enthusiastic in their approach to finding their ancestors. The LostCousins website can be found here.

    Although you don't have to register at LostCousins in order to join this forum, why wouldn't you? After all, it's free to join and you'll be entitled to receive the LostCousins newsletter, one of the most highly-respected genealogy newsletters around.

    The main LostCousins site provides a safe opportunity to link up with other researchers who share your ancestry and/or your research interests, so that you can exchange information and collaborate on future research. Its simple primary goal is to match you up with your distant cousins, ones who have become lost over time. Adding your ancestors is easy, choose one of the supported censuses, add the census reference and the names of the rest of the household. And that's it! A Search button allows you to check to see if you've discovered a New Lost Cousin. The more family you add, the greater the chances of finding a distant relative. Remember, it's the brothers and sisters (and all their children) of your direct ancestors where you will find your Lost Cousins.

    This forum provides an opportunity for LostCousins members to share their knowledge and experience. There's a wide range of topics from Research Techniques to My Memories to Detailed Resource Pages. Take a look around and join in the current conversations or even start a new one.
    Although most of the people you encounter in this forum won't be relatives of yours, you will be expected to treat them as courteously as you would your own relatives. This doesn't mean that you can't disagree with what somebody else has said - it's just that there are nice ways and not-so-nice ways. Please read the other posts in New Members Start Here section as they're full of tips to help you.

    Finally, just to let you know that whilst everything works, the Resources pages that will guide you in your research haven't all been created. To see how useful a Resources page can be, take a look at Essex or Cheshire.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Good tip Good tip x 1
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