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Viewing Custom Maps

Discussion in 'Family Tree Analyzer' started by Alexander Bisset, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Do any of you have any maps you own a copy of that you'd like to view in FT Analyzer. I'm thinking of perhaps the sort of thing that I have is sheets from a Victorian 1896 OS map of Scotland (ie: paper sheets). I've scanned them and had them as files on disk for some years. Others may have copies of maps purchased on CD etc that are historic maps.

    I've added in 3.2 the ability to tick a box to view this map in FT Analyzer so I can now see my Victorian OS maps whilst I find places and edit their location on the map. Naturally these maps are copyright so I cannot distribute them I can however instruct others in how to turn their paper/digital historic maps so they too can be viewed in FTA.

    So if you have such a map let me know and I can get you to test out my instructions.
    NB. as of the time of writing the beta testers are still at work on 3.2 and its not yet public.

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