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Unlinked Trees

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by PhilGee, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. PhilGee

    PhilGee LostCousins Member

    I haven't noticed a comment on this.... and I've only spotted it today. Ancestry DNA matches now show "No Trees", "Unlinked Tree" and "Tree unavailable" as well as "xx people".

  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    It has been mentioned on a few blogs in the past week. It hasn't helped me so far, but it might possibly be useful in the future. Ancestry has always told users about unlinked trees - this change makes them a little more obvious.

    The only problem is that the tree might not necessarily relate to the individual whose DNA matches - I had one of those this morning.
  3. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    They're also colour coding the number of people - though they've gotten a little confused with it. They're using green for those with hints, and greying out those with private trees - however one of my cousins with a private tree isn't greyed out because it's green... but it also doesn't show the little padlock either.

    I have found the "unlinked trees" useful in the past - but as Peter says, only if they related to the person who did the test!

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