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Shropshire Parish Register Society transcriptions

Discussion in 'More Shropshire Resources' started by AtcherleyOrgUK, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. AtcherleyOrgUK

    AtcherleyOrgUK LostCousins Member

    This site, created and maintained by Mel Lockie, provides an ever-growing collection of Shropshire parish register transcriptions from the volumes originally published by the Shropshire Parish Register Society in the early 1900s. Over 150 of these volumes have been transcribed and put online so far.

    A few points to bear in mind:

    These are transcriptions of transcriptions. Although from what I have seen both the original printed transcriptions, and Mel's great efforts in reproducing them, are remarkably accurate, there is always scope for errors and the old lesson about checking the original source documents where possible remains valid.

    There is no search facility, other than using your browser's page search facility on each page. In searching by this method remember that spellings of names varied. Atcherley for example was often written as Acherley and sometimes as Atcherly, so when searching for 'my' people in these registers I search for the string 'cherl'. It is of course also possible to search the site via Google, for example I can search it for all instances of Atcherley by putting the following into the Google search box: site:www.melocki.org.uk Atcherley

    Even when this project is completed, not all of the parishes in Shropshire will be covered, as there were many gaps in the coverage of the original SPRS volumes.

    On the plus side, I have found these transcripts incredibly helpful in researching a family which originated in Shropshire; not only have they revealed vital parish records to help confirm the family's genealogy, they have also, in many cases, helped to provide a feel for the places and times in which these people lived. While many incumbents kept their register entries to the bare minimum, others could be quite 'chatty', commenting on the weather (especially extreme weather events), prices of commodities or events of local or national interest.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2

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