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Security of deleted Ancestry DNA data.

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by kiwilong, May 1, 2023.

  1. kiwilong

    kiwilong LostCousins Member

    Hello all.
    Some years ago I purchased an Ancestry DNA test, found the results met my expectations very well, but eventually decided to delete my data, supposedly permanently.
    I'm actually thinking of rekindling my interest in family history and considering a second DNA test, again with Ancestry.
    Can anybody tell me just how permanent or secure " permanently " really is, especially how it may affect my descendants.
    I've studied the Ancestry website responses but am interested in the opinion or experience of LostCousin members.
  2. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    I'm wondering why you feel the need to tightly control your DNA results, particularly with regard to your descendants?

    I have some concerns about shielding my own DNA results from some living family, but that is to do with preserving happy memories and joyful relationships, none of which need to be shattered by the knowledge of a long past indiscretion. No one is being left under a misapprehension as to their own ancestry.

    If your descendants don't know their DNA heritage, it is likely that they will find this out eventually in any case, as DNA testing becomes ever more popular. If that reveals a surprise, wouldn't it be better for them to be able to talk to an older living relative about it? If they don't find out then are they not being deprived of knowledge that they are entitled to (including with regard to medical history)?
  3. kiwilong

    kiwilong LostCousins Member

    Thank you for your reply Sue. It’s not that there is anything of consequence in either my past or, as far as I know, my ancestors. The question I have concerns my DNA data being used in the future to the detriment of a descendant should the authorities of the day so choose.
    I suppose it’s an academic question really concerning the use of the word “permanent” by Ancestry. Was my original DNA data actually deleted ?
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Ancestry have to comply with data protection legislation like any other business.
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  5. kiwilong

    kiwilong LostCousins Member

    Thank you Peter.

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