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New visual format ... but search isn't working well

Discussion in 'Findmypast' started by HelenB, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. HelenB

    HelenB Member

    Trying to use FMP today and each search I try, I have to repeat over and over because I keep getting a message "Something went wrong at our end, please try again".
    Or on the rare occasions when that actually works, and I click to open my chosen record, "500 we can't complete that at the moment, please go back to the search page and try again".
    Because it sometimes works, I don't think it is actually down, just struggling. I'm thinking that either the nice new format has attracted lots of extra users who are overloading the site, or it can no longer cope with the usual user-base and needs some extra processing power.
    Anyone else seeing similar problems?
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Have you tried using a different FMP site? If people are trying out the UK site you might find it is quieter elsewhere.

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