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New 'All Record Sets' option replaces A to Zs on FMP

Discussion in 'General Genealogical Queries' started by Sue_3, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    Today I noticed that instead of having the option on FMP to list all record sets in alphabetical order (which I've long referred to as the A to Zeds menu), there's 'All Record Sets' instead.

    This looks to me like an improvement, since for me it's putting the most frequently needed record sets near the top of my list, without me having to filter it, but I haven't figured out how they are sequencing the list or what hidden issues there may be?

    Does anyone know if the sequencing in this new list is somehow personalised or if it's the same for all users?
  2. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    I noticed yesterday that this page had changed but was too intent on finding the collection I was interested in to notice how it had changed!

    Looking at the order of collections as they are now, the list doesn't appear to me to have been personalised, as several of those collections I am seeing on the first page are not ones I use regularly - or even at all.
  3. Susan48

    Susan48 LostCousins Superstar

    It seems they are listed in descending order of size. United States Marriages is first on the list and the largest with 246,511,228 records.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  4. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    Oh yes, well spotted!

    I don't see the US marriages in my default list, because my filter is for UK records, but nonetheless the record sets I do see are listed in descending order of size. Obvious now that you've told me!

    You can also change the order by clicking on one of the headings. I think I like it.
  5. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I think it's a trial because I've had both today.

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