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MyHeritage Query

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by Sue_3, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    I have been in a so far fruitless discussion with MH support for the last few days. Just wondering if anyone here might know the answer to what I thought was a simple question.

    When I get a new match, it is flagged as 'NEW' in my match list. Does anyone know for how long the 'NEW' flag persists?

    I ask because I want to know how often I need to check for new matches and be able to spot them easily.

    I know that I can sort all of my matches by 'most recent', but I am only interested in new matches sharing at least 30 cM with me (or my cousin, whose DNA I manage), and as far as I can see there is no way to filter the list to find those. So, I believe I need to scroll through the first few pages of my list to find any 'NEW' matches of interest, or scroll through all of the 'NEW' matches to spot them. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, though!

    Btw I know that Ancestry has a much superior offer, which is why I tested there and uploaded elsewhere. It so happens that I have several fairly close cousins (with proven relationships via the paper trail) that have only tested with MH, however, hence my interest in monitoring new matches there and especially shared matches with those cousins.

    Thanks for any advice. MH support seem only to be able to copy and paste their help pages, which I have already read.
  2. MaryL

    MaryL Genealogy in the Sunshine 2015

    As you probably know, it is possible to download a list of your matches from MyHeritage. I have checked some old downloads, and can report that the oldest match currently flagged as "new" appeared sometime between 10 July and 1 August. I conclude that the "new" flag remains for somewhere between 3 and 6 weeks. Perhaps others can help narrow this range.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  3. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    Thank you, that is very helpful as it suggests I can allow up to 3 weeks between checks. It's the sort of thing that one would ideally check very regularly, but life has a habit of getting in the way!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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