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My GGF the celebrity

Discussion in 'Meeting my 'lost cousin'' started by Liberty, May 6, 2014.

  1. DavidP

    DavidP LostCousins Member

    I like to tell people I am related to two Kings. However, they were Rachel and Mary (both my great great grandmothers) and their siblings married....... Not really a regal connection, is it?o_O
  2. Gillian

    Gillian LostCousins Star

    Several years ago I was reading Fire Down Below, the first book in a trilogy by William Golding, and suddenly on page 158 I came upon Dismal Jimmy. Much to my amazement I discovered that said dismal gentleman was my 3xgreat-granduncle, Admiral James Gambier, a gentleman apparently of almost morbid, religious principle.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1

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