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Middle Name from country where family originated

Discussion in 'Scotland' started by Valzie, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Valzie

    Valzie LostCousins Member

    I just realized that I have a relative by marriage who owed her middle name to Scotland, the country her family came from. Martha Scotia Skinner was born in Lexington, Virginia, USA, in about 1847, to the Revd John Skinner and his wife Elizabeth, who had recently emigrated to the USA from Scotland, where they and their older children were born. (They must have been very homesick - and they returned to Scotland.)
    Does anyone have more examples?
  2. Liberty

    Liberty LostCousins Megastar

    Perhaps the other round but...
    ...when I was living in Trinidad in the first decade of this millennium, another UK expatriate gave her daughter the middle name Trinity.
  3. Fern49

    Fern49 LostCousins Star

    I have a few of my immigrant rellies who used the name of the town they were living in, as the middle name for their children, considering some of them had quite large families, that would make the choice a little easier.:D

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