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Lets keep it in the family!

Discussion in 'General Genealogical Queries' started by Bob Spiers, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    I’ve just spent the last few days adding in to the Family Tree someone who has recently joined the family through marriage. I was told the groom’s family relationships were complicated, and believe me that was no understatement.

    Apparently none of the participants were known by their baptismal names, some used middle names, and some seem to have taken up nicknames or gone along with names bestowed on them by the family.

    I should mention for clarity that all the main parental players were ‘seniors’ in every sense of the word and the incidents related took place many years previous. I also met most of them at the wedding.

    Here in the words of the groom is how it was later explained to me and recorded in my own shorthand. I think you will find it entertaining.

    “My mother Joy H first married my father Bert P and they had me followed by my twins siblings, a boy and girl. Bert left Joy and his children and took up with a friends wife Jacqui W (nee D) -married to Ian W – who also had 3 children.

    Joy became acquainted with Jacqui’s first husband Ian W and they became a unit and together brought up her 3 children. Likewise, in reverse, Bert with Jacqui brought up her 3 children. In due time divorces ensued and each tied the knot with their new partners. So Joy (previously Mrs P) became Mrs W and Jacqui (previously Mrs W) became Mrs P.

    Joy remained married to Ian W but Bert later left and divorced Jacqui and married Heather M (with whom he worked apparently), and she became his 3rd (Mrs P) wife.

    So as a consequence I have a father and two stepmothers (all alive) and a mother with a stepfather. I have two natural siblings and 3 step siblings. I too, as you know, have been previously married and divorced, and have two children a boy R and a girl L. I know I’ve only one Uncle but countless Aunts and have lost count of the number of cousins and their respective marriage partners. But to satisfy everyone most had to be invited to the wedding! "

    I was at the wedding and it was mind blowing to try to take in all the relationships. They all seemed thoroughly nice people and appeared to get on with one another, though clearly judiciously sat at separate tables. I for instance was seated next to the 3rd Mrs P -the Groom's stepmother who was -as she kept telling me- some 12 years younger than her husband. Much to my wife's chagrin the conversation centred around computers about which she was passionate. I later learned that placement was deliberate and achieved with insider knowledge (provided by my daughter).

    It took quite some time to unravel it all and research their true names and according to the groom I have shed light on things he did not know but which he has since confirmed with his mother. I now have it all down in my Tribal pages for exclusive family viewing.
  2. Gillian

    Gillian LostCousins Star

    No icon for Congratulations but if there were, that's what you'd get Bob.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  3. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    I think congratulations also go to your daughter Bob
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    I'm not so sure as my daughter has since passed on a note from Heather with her email & mobile contact details in case she needed to consult on a computer matter. I told my daughter she had broached the 'contact' subject quite a few times during the evening, which I had carefully avoided. However for the sake of family unity I told her to just pass on my email address.

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