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Discussion in 'How to decide who to enter' started by Red Dragon, May 10, 2013.

  1. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 60 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,981 New Entries have been added and
    • 83 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All up again this week, with a large increase in New Members.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  2. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 33 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 2,440 New Entries have been added and
    • 145 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All up again this week except New Members which dropped slightly.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  3. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 21 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 3,932 New Entries have been added and
    • 184 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All up again this week except New Members but looking back a year, the numbers are on par.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  4. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 15 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 2,332 New Entries have been added and
    • 234 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only New Matches up this week and this has given us a New Entries to Relatives Matched of 9.5, on average every 10th person added made a match.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  5. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 26 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 2,773 New Entries have been added and
    • 198 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only New Matches down this week and it's always encouraging to see new entries being added.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  6. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 24 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,332 New Entries have been added and
    • 42 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All numbers down, some only slightly this week, we just need to spread the word and get people to join and add our relatives.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  7. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Lots of people on holiday at the moment I suspect.
  8. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 11 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,129 New Entries have been added and
    • 375 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only Relatives Matched up this week. The ratio of New Entries to Relatives Matched was 3.01, on average every 3rd person entered gave 2 people a match!
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  9. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 13 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,726 New Entries have been added and
    • 111 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only Relatives Matched down this week. A quiet steady week, typical for this time of year.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  10. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 9 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 2,789 New Entries have been added and
    • 67 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only New Entries up this week. Another quiet steady week, typical for this time of year.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  11. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Not a bad week considering how hot it has been in Britain!
  12. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 1 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 476 New Entries have been added and
    • -201 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Well this is one of the quietest weeks so far, and unfortunately it looks like another member has left us.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  13. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I'm afraid hardly a day goes by without me hearing that a member has passed away, gone into a care home, or developed dementia. But matches that have been made in the past, whilst no longer reflected in the statistics, will nevertheless have benefited the members' concerned. And in an increasing number of instances there is someone ready to take over.
  14. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 9 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,437 New Entries have been added and,
    • 69 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All numbers are up this week, a great result and hopefully the trend will continue.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2023
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  15. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 18 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,076 New Entries have been added and,
    • 74 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only New Relatives added down this week but a very encouraging set of results.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  16. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 14 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 876 New Entries have been added and,
    • 109 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Only Relatives Matched up this week which has given us a ratio of new entries to relatives matched of 8.04.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  17. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 14 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,905 New Entries have been added and,
    • 144 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. Nothing down this week except the leaves on the trees, as Autumn starts here in the UK.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  18. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 10 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,398 New Entries have been added and,
    • 84 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. A quiet week with everything down, but that just means that there is more to load next week.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2023
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  19. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 13 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,269 New Entries have been added and,
    • 97 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. A better week with only New Entries down, but not by much.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  20. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 12 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1,694 New Entries have been added and,
    • 151 Relatives have been matched.
    Always good to see New Members joining. All numbers up except New Members, but that was only 1 out.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1

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