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Hertfordshire Genealogy

Discussion in 'More Hertfordshire Resources' started by Feebee, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Feebee

    Feebee Moderator Staff Member

    If you have Herts ancestors then Chris Reynolds site Genealogy in Hertfordshire is well worth a visit.

    There are many interesting & informative subjects included for the whole of Herts.
  2. Emma

    Emma Member

    Have you entered this under the County forum/thread? This is where I entered details of Hertfordshire Names Online. I'm wondering if things I entered under the County headings will be noticed as I see there are other County specific items on this forum. Which is the best place to enter information?
  3. Emma

    Emma Member

    Sorry! Yes, I see that's where it is - it's just me not getting used to looking around the site yet! I was looking through latest threads and not realising where they actually were on the site :( I'll get the hang of it eventually!
  4. Feebee

    Feebee Moderator Staff Member

    No problem Emma:) We are all learning as we go along but enjoying it even more.

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