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FTM keeps disconnecting me from Ancestry

Discussion in 'Family Tree Maker' started by CarolB08, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Hi is anyone else having issues with family tree maker disconectting itself from Ancestry ? Mine has started to do this on a regular basis, I am still running the 2017 issue on firefox. Its starting to really irritate me. I have cleared my browsing history and will look into clearing my cache shortly.
  2. So am I but I use Chrome and it remains connected to Ancestry. There is a banner in Ancestry right now to say they are having technical issues, perhaps it's causing your issue?
  3. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I get it from time to time, I'm on FTM2019 and Chrome.
  4. Slightly 'off topic' some time after I'd written thread #2 I was using Ancestry and twice it suddenly asked me to sign in. I was really annoyed because it didn't take me back to where I was and I totally lost the thread of my research. Even using the history in Chrome didn't help because it threw me out again.
    Hopefully it was a one off.
  5. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Its still happening to me, I have no idea why, I am wondering if its something to do with my antivirus being to efficient? Or as you say perhaps Ancestry's updating is causing the issue.
  6. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    I just posted in the familytreemaker facebook group and got this response
    " Ancestry are at RootsTech this week. So expect server connectivity issues as they roll out/reveal new features.
    Also Ancestry have been changing security to prompt you to log on a lot more often.
    Doesn’t help you but does answer you question."
  7. as per usual, they concentrate on new stuff instead of fixing existing stuff. For example, the image often asks me to use the basic viewer because there's a problem. Poor transcriptions are the bain of my life too.

    Thanks to CarolB08 for taking it further.
  8. canadianbeth

    canadianbeth LostCousins Star

    It happened to me too last night when I went to sync from FTM to Ancestry. I actually thought nothing of it since it had been a while since I had tried doing it.
  9. This is what they are doing.

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