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Displaying Data Errors

Discussion in 'Family Tree Analyzer' started by Alexander Bisset, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Norman

    Norman LostCousins Member

    Don't you mean FTA and Alexander?
  2. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    That is probably correct (as mentioned by Cathy) but I guess my comment was influenced by Alexander's reply which referred to Lost Cousins.
    As I don't have any knowledge of Legacy I do not know what features are available so have to go by the comments made by those who do.

    Whatever - Peter and Alexander have created between them 2 extremely useful systems which I am sure will soon become (if not already) invaluable to any budding genealogist.
    Thanks to them both and long may it continue.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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