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Different birth certificates

Discussion in 'Comments on the latest newsletter' started by Susan, May 5, 2017.

  1. Susan

    Susan LostCousins Member

    In the latest newsletter (4 May 2017) Peter comments on the birth certificate "Issued for the purposes of the Factory and Workshop Act 1901". I have one of these certificates.

    The certificate is my grandfather's; he was born in 1894 and the certificate is dated 1907. This is on two sheets, both printed on grey paper. The first has the copy of the register in the format we are used to seeing, while the reverse is the Form of Requisition. The second sheet is printed on one side only and is headed Board of Education form 146a (1). This has two sections, both signed by clerk to the local education authority.

    I have a similar certificate for my great grandmother. She was born in 1869 and the copy is dated 1883. This is headed "Issued for the purposes of the Elementary Education Act 1876". This certificate has no accompanying sheet, and may not have had one as the date was 24 years earlier than my grandfather's certificate.
    This certificate is rather fragile, considering its age!

    My mother, being a hoarder, also kept the birth certificate for her other grandmother (born 1865), but again not one issued at her birth. This was issued upon great grandmother's death in 1932 "for the purposes of the Friendly Societies Act" and "for no other use or purposes whatever".
    However, it is very useful for family history purposes as it is still a certified copy of an entry of birth.
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Colyn - who provided the certificates in the newsletter - also sent me a birth certificate issued under the Friendly Societies Act which I was planning to feature in the next newsletter. However Colyn didn't have the originals, so the scans she sent me were black and white - if you can send me colour scans I might be able to use yours instead (or as well)?
  3. Susan

    Susan LostCousins Member

    I'll scan the certificate and send it to you.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1

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