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Developments at the GRO? My wish list

Discussion in 'Comments on the latest newsletter' started by At home in NZ, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    You can identify whether a large block is missing by widening your search to other pages in the same volume. But first check the list of known missing blocks in my January 2019 newsletters.
  2. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    OK, but I'll let PhilipT, who raised the original query, do that. :)
  3. It's a long time since I lived there, so I can't remember and assumed it was similar to government organisations in NZ :oops:
  4. In thread #1 I drew attention to:
    Deaths for the years 1958 to 1983, and
    Births for the years 1935 to 1983
    which are all missing.

    If you look at the available years in the drop down in the GRO you will see what I mean.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    The reason those years are missing is because the registers for those years had not been scanned and indexed when the DoVE project was abandoned in 2008 because of the high costs. It is unlikely that the cost-benefit relationship has changed significantly since then.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1

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