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  4. It's easier than ever before to check your entries from the 1881 Census - more details here

Suggestions for FTAnalyzer

Discussion in 'Family Tree Analyzer' started by Tim, May 25, 2013.

  1. AdrienneQ

    AdrienneQ Moderator Staff Member

    Alexander the colour does work.
  2. alanmack

    alanmack LostCousins Member

    I have earlier this week downloaded what was the latest copy of FTAnalyzer. I am steadily getting to grips with it having missed any running instructions there might have been. It seems quite intuitive and does some very interesting things despite a few "quirks" which may be the result of something indigestible that I have fed it. I'm still experimenting with this material so I'll let you know.

    The programs that I use don't seem to output several of the tags you have mentioned on the various FTAnalyzer threads. Would it be possible please to construct a sample/demo Gedcom file for download with the other files in the ZIP. This would enable us potential users to see all the features you are including and so that we can see what all the output should look like from a standard input file.


  3. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    All working and easy to follow but how do I add a Lost Cousins Event please? I use My Heritage Family Tree Builder and that will allow me to create new facts - if I create one called LOSTCousins what should I enter in to it for it to become recognised?

    Many thanks in advance for your advice and even more thanks for a very useful tool.

    Edit: I have created a fact as above and entered the year of the census. It appears in my gedcom as EVEN - not EVENt. Is that a problem with my program or with the type of event/fact I have created. It does not change the colour in FTA.
  4. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    A good idea, however a test GEDCOM would probably need sample instructions to go with it and as you have noted I'm not that good at instructions :) It might also take some time to prepare to make sure it demonstrated particular features.

    Which genealogy program do you use? Which tags is it that aren't appearing?
  5. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    All the custom tags will appear in a GEDCOM as EVEN, I just put the t at the end to make the text readable!! Same with Lost Cousins tag. I should have given examples sorry about that. It also looks like I had a typo and missed the space again apologies.

    My Lost Cousins tag appears in my GEDCOM as

    1 EVEN
    2 TYPE Lost Cousins
    2 DATE 1841

    If yours looks different let me know and I could perhaps amend the code to suit. Or if you prefer if you change your's to match what mine looks like that should work too.

    The date bit is important as obviously an ancestor could easily appear in more than one Lost Cousins Census thus have more than one Lost Cousins facts.
  6. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    Hi Alexander
    Changing the name to Lost Cousins did the trick.

    Many thanks
  7. alanmack

    alanmack LostCousins Member

    Hi Alexander,
    Your reply no. 25 above gave me part of the answer, thanks.

    Because of their ability to handle quarter dates i.e. Jul/Sep or Jul-Sep I stick with PAF and FTM v10, the latter for its 'proper' descendant tree graphic lost in later versions I understand. Translating between the two has been a headache so I wrote a short sed script to do this as I got bored with 'search and replace' by hand. I've also been playing with Ancestris for pure Gedcom (some hope) and I used this to construct some test files for FTAnalyzer to work on. Now I know more about the census references for Lost Cousins I shall extend the scope of these test files. As I learn more and add more wrinkles they will probably evolve into the very samples I was requesting.

    Thanks for your reply

  8. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    One of the most tricky things to deal with in the entire program is dates. I am aware of varying date formats in use many of which bear no resemblance to the GEDCOM standard but I've attempted to cater for them none the less. Could you give me a few test examples of date strings you use, so I can add them to the FactDate test case.

    Ideally the string the expected start and end date values. eg: the string "BET JAN 1910 AND NOV 1918", should become start 01/01/1910, end 30/11/1918. If you can possibly express your example date strings in that format that would be ideal. I can then ensure that the date reader string copes with those test cases.
  9. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Ah I think I see what you meant now if answer 25 gives you what you wanted. An example GED of a single individual with CENS and custom Lost Cousins tags is
    0 @I4232@ INDI
    1 NAME Ann /Bisset/
    2 SOUR @S284@
    2 SOUR @S5@
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 SEX F
    1 REFN 4232
    1 EVEN
    2 TYPE Lost Cousins
    2 DATE 1881
    1 BIRT
    2 DATE 14 SEP 1872
    2 PLAC Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S284@
    2 SOUR @S5@
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1881
    2 PLAC Bridgend, Lintrathen, Angus, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S5@
    1 DEAT
    2 DATE BET 1901 AND 1982
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1901
    2 PLAC Jubilee Cottage, Monifieth, Angus, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1891
    2 PLAC Church Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S6@
    1 FAMC @F1256@
    Note it has CENS entries for 1881, 1891, 1901 but only a Lost Cousins entry for 1881 as the others aren't LC census years. Incidentally this should mean that the LC report for this person should show grey for 1841-1871 cenus (she wasn't born till 1872) and green for 1881-1901 (all are either entered to LC or is not a LC year), and finally red for 1911 as I've not looked her up on the 1911 cenus and so obviously not entered a 1911 LC record for her.
  10. alanmack

    alanmack LostCousins Member

    Thanks for that Alexander including the colour guide. I'll have to absorb it all before answering - so "I may be some time" but I will get back as soon as I can.

  11. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    0 @I4232@ INDI
    1 NAME Ann /Bisset/
    2 SOUR @S284@
    2 SOUR @S5@
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 SEX F
    1 REFN 4232
    1 EVEN
    2 TYPE Lost Cousins
    2 DATE 1881
    1 BIRT
    2 DATE 14 SEP 1872
    2 PLAC Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S284@
    2 SOUR @S5@
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1881
    2 PLAC Bridgend, Lintrathen, Angus, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S5@
    1 DEAT
    2 DATE BET 1901 AND 1982
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1901
    2 PLAC Jubilee Cottage, Monifieth, Angus, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S7@
    1 CENS
    2 DATE 1911
    2 PLAC Church Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland
    2 SOUR @S6@
    1 FAMC @F1256@
    I've marginally edited the example so now the 1891 census is missing and 1911 census is done.

    This means the she has a census for 1881, 1901, 1911, and a Lost Cousins entry for 1881 but not 1911. The report will therefore show grey 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871 (she wasn't alive), green for 1881 (census AND Lost cousins tags entered), red for 1891 (no census record), green for 1901 (census record but not a LC year), yellow for 1911 (census record found but no Lost Cousins tag entered for 1911).

    This then covers all the bases for the Lost Cousins report.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  12. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    Hi Alexander
    I wonder if you could explain where the Occupation and Best Location data in the Individuals tab is collected from.
    As an example for my own entry it picks an occupation which is the first one in the gedcom but the location is the PLAC for the 6th occupation in the gedcom.
    In the Families tab the location is the same as the one mentioned above so really bears no relation to the family as a location.

    I have also noticed that in the various census records windows the Registration Location is not the location for that census entry but the ADDR from a random RESI entry for the head of the family.

    I am not sure if this is a glitch in the program or something to do with the environment the program is running in - Windows 8 - cannot determine which version of .NET Framework is installed. I am currently running version but these issues were present in earlier versions.

    Many thanks in advance for your assistance.
  13. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    For occupation it picks whatever is marked in your GEDCOM as the "preferred" fact. For Best Location it chooses whatever is the longest location name, ie: in theory the most precise. So for example it would select "Farm cottage, some parish, some county, England" over "some parish, some county, England". So unfortunately its somewhat of a random "best" location.

    One of the things on my to do list is to pick locations closer to event dates. I plan to write a routine that checks the location facts and dates and to try to always display a location that is closest to the date in question. My gut feeling is that whatever location is closest in year to the year you are interested in ought to be the year displayed. As I say it's on the to do list.

    Windows 8 not always identifying the version of .Net is a known bug in Windows 8, I thought I read there was a windows update that fixed that, perhaps not.
  14. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    Thanks Alexander - that explains it - obviously not too important compared to the major values of your program so can stay fairly low in your to do list.

    I don't think I worded this well - I am running Win 8 but do not know which version of .Net so I do not know if this is causing the problem.
    It would be good to see the correct location against the census entry - is this down to the way the program is written (as above) or due to the Win 8 etc environment?

    Many thanks
  15. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Version now released uses locations as close to the relevant date as possible!!

    Windows 8 should come with .Net 4.5. The program runs with .Net 4.0 as this is supported on Windows 7. Windows 8 can easily run with .Net 2.0 (I think) and above and indeed it is common to have various versions eg: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 all installed. This is for backwards compatibility so that Windows 8 doesn't suddenly fail when running programs targeted to older platforms.

    The census location issue was the same as the best location issue it was using the longest location it could find irrespective of date. The new code uses location facts as close to the date of the event (eg: census) as possible.
  16. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    That was fast - I wish my software people at work could respond that quickly.
    Census pages now fixed.
    Many thanks
  17. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    I've tweaked a bit more v1.5.5.1 now available. In this version all the searching features for census are now available on the main census form.

    This means that you can look at a census report to see who is missing, select your preferred search site at the top of the form and double click a person to search the site for that person.
  18. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Amazing, something to try later then :)
  19. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    As an example for the use of being able to get data out of the gedcom and into excel.

    I have created a new custom fact called Children Status. This contains the information that's given on the 1911 census; that shows how many children born alive, how many still living and how many had died. I use this to establish and verify that I have captured all the children for that couple. So now, I need to know who has this fact added and who hasn't (who was alive in 1911 census), so that I know who to add this fact to and then check the number of children.

    Children status example.jpg
    • Good tip Good tip x 1
  20. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Hi Alexander,

    Was just thinking about your Families tab report. I don't know about other people, but I quite often use the search sites by just putting in the parents names and seeing what names of children come up in the search results, to find children born to the couple but then don't appear on the next census/s.

    Would it be feasible from the family tab to double click on a line, and have the parent names and date range added to the website search criteria and then the search performed?

    I do this type of search on IGI and Ancestry at the moment, I'll have to look to see if it can be done at FMP.

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