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The Titantic Disaster - Passengers, Crew and Survivors

Discussion in 'More Resources' started by Jennie, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Jennie

    Jennie LostCousins Member

    Encyclopaedia Titanic

    On 10 April 1912 the RMS Titanic sailed from Southampton, England with 2,200 passengers and crew, four days later the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank: 1500 people died and 700 survived.

    The Titanic Passenger and Crew lists show information including name, point of departure, ticket and whether or not the person was rescued.

    There are plenty of different category searches to choose from and each name leads to a biography with more information and related pictures and articles.
    • Useful Useful x 3
  2. AnneC

    AnneC LostCousins Star

    My husband's grandfather was involved with the Titanic sea trials before her maiden voyage. Luckily for him the chief engineer of one of the other White Star ships had appendicitis, so grandfather was recalled from the Titanic to take over.

    There is also much information about Southampton and the Titanic at PortCities, and also a special exhibition.
  3. chrissy1

    chrissy1 LostCousins Star

    One Titanic site also includes information regarding the Empress of Ireland disaster which was of similar proportions to the Titanic, but less well known and less well documented. The Empress was hit by a coal mining steamer in thick fog in the St Lawrence Seaway at 2am on 29 May 1914. My great aunt and my father's cousins were drowned - they were returning from Canada to England. However, I have not been able to find out whether my family's bodies were ever found, though it seems the liner victims were buried in Quebec.....

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