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Discussion in 'More Shropshire Resources' started by Zojo, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Zojo

    Zojo LostCousins Member

    The Family and Local History volunteers in Oswestry Library are always prepared to research their resources to help.

    Their resources include parish registers from the town and surrounding villages, local newspapers from the mid-19th century, old photographs, tithe maps etc

    They are a friendly bunch always willing to help
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  2. Zojo

    Zojo LostCousins Member

  3. Zojo

    Zojo LostCousins Member

    A new site for people with Oswestry connections. The Oswestry Cemetery Project site is now up and running with details of burials from 1862 when the cemetery opened. http://www.oswestrycemeteryproject.org.uk/home.html

    Volunteers have also done research into the background of each of the 'residents'

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