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Lives of the First World War

Discussion in 'Latest news' started by Alexander Bisset, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    The site has reopened and definitely still has some flaws.
    Most frustrating is that contrary to what we were told last year there is no longer any way for anyone to reach the volunteer contributors privately by email. It was never a problem while the site was open and since I had not wanted to risk adding a link within my community descriptions I have to come up with an alternate plan. Very fortunately a significant number of my contributions also link to "A Street Near You " website such as this remembrance . James is an on line friend of mine and I'm hoping to eventually create a link via his excellent maps.
  2. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    Lives of the First World War Facebook page
    30 March at 05:36 ·
    We’d like to update you on recent activity with the livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk website. Our focus is to improve functionality and user friendliness of the LOTFWW, so we’re making further investment into it.

    Recent updates:
    - Source attribution for stories and images.
    - Military Service added to the download and the timeline.
    - Book references enabled.
    - Enlarging option for images.
    - Enhanced printout format (we’re also working on this for further improvements).
    - Fixed a bug with marriage dates.

    Upcoming updates:
    - Image source attribution functionality for profile pictures.
    - Date for addresses to be displayed on the timeline.
    - Display of Communities secondary description.
    - Showing Communities web address field (URL), that links to War Memorials Register.
    - Display of Stories associated dates.
    - Overall data visualisations.

    Areas of investigation:
    - Ability to download all data.
    - Clearer and tidier CSV format.
    - Updated FAQ.

    As you may appreciate, further updates will take some time, however we’ll aim to update you all as we progress.

    Thank you,
    Digital Engagement team.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 3

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