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LC DNA related news items

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by Norman, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Norman

    Norman LostCousins Member

    I read the newsletter each issue but, up to now, have not really absorbed all the information in them related to DNA testing.

    My wife, Diane, and I have completed the Ancestry DNA testing and yesterday received the results. I have uploaded the DNA files to gedmatch.com and await the results.

    We would now like to re-read the newsletters, particularly those that have references to DNA and how best to maximise our chances of finding matches. Is there a link to an index of newsletter articles available on-line anywhere?
  2. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Hi Norman,

    In the latest newsletter, there is a Google search box that only searches the Newsletters.

    I just typed in dna and got 112 results. Here's a link to the latest Newsletter in case you need it.
  3. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    This Search box has been in the newsletters for a few months now, and it doesn't matter which newsletter it is - it will search ALL of the online newsletters. Yes, it can look into the future - spooky!

    Last year I wrote a series of articles entitled Understanding DNA and there are links to these from some of the more recent articles. However if you've already tested you'd do best to start with the Special DNA Edition of the newsletter from July 2016, as this deals with what to do next.

    Finally, remember to update your My Details page if you haven't already done so (and your wife's too).
    • Agree Agree x 1

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