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Is this the most useless Ancestry Hint of all time?

Discussion in 'Ancestry' started by At home in NZ, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    Whoops Peter, can't let you get away with that. Personal opinions are based on life experience(s) and facts absorbed along the way. What you are implying is that some personal opinions do not accord with your own. But there is enough information disseminated -and not just in the Forum but online from umpteen sources - for people to form their own opinions and make their own decisions. My own opinions do not accord with yours in entirety, nor yours mine; but they are OUR opinions. This is true in all spheres of life.

    As it happens I do not agree with atHinNZ's views on DNA but to paraphrase an old saying - "I may not agree with their views, but will defend to the death* their right to say them".

    *death may be taking things a little far in this context admittedly:)
  2. And just exactly what have you gleaned about my views that you don't agree with? I have not expressed an opinion of DNA, I have simply said I am not interested in it.
  3. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    Well that is a viewpoint in itself, and the one on which we differ. Yes I resisted taking a DNA test for ages, delayed all the more when encountering the jargon that went with it, and not in the least tempted by 'ethnicity' which attracted so many. But in time I came to the conclusion that taking a DNA test might help my research in some areas, so took the test, and have not regretted doing so; and yes it has helped my research, and the same with other DNA Trees I manage.

    But all that said, I resist involvement in the Centimorgan (what an awful name) Segment 'Cognoscenti' (so loved by others in the Forum) and with no sibling or first cousin involvements, happily interrogate matches and conduct searches in my own way and assign Groups and make Notes along the way. It is different from ordinary research, but it can and does complement same.
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Quite right too - the amount of DNA shared between cousins is rarely of any significance.

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