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Is anyone having problems with Ancestry DNA "Shared Matches"?

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by MazH, May 29, 2024.

  1. MazH

    MazH LostCousins Member

    Since Ancestry made changes to their DNA matches page last week, I have found that most times when I have tried to view a match's "Shared matches" all I get is a circle going round and round on my screen. Has anyone else had this problem? As a result of this, Ancestry is not telling me if a new match may be related to an existing group of matches.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2024
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Not me - working fine here.
  3. JohnR65

    JohnR65 LostCousins Star

    Maybe you should clear/clean your cache, CCleaner is free and can do it for you.
  4. MazH

    MazH LostCousins Member

    Thank you Peter and John. As no one else has had a problem, and Shared Matches has worked for all of my new matches this week, I think it was my internet connection going slowon that day. I do clear my browsing history and cache quite frequently.

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