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Discussion in 'How to decide who to enter' started by Red Dragon, May 10, 2013.

  1. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -12 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1055 New Entries have been added and,
    • 44 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    There have been 31 unused or duplicate accounts closed since last week, which means that 19 new members have joined.
  3. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -42 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 951 New Entries have been added and,
    • 24 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    There were 52 inactive or duplicate accounts closed during the week, so there were 10 new members who joined.
  5. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -37 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 560 New Entries have been added and,
    • 9 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  6. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 11 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 893 New Entries have been added and,
    • 28 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust. But a week of all positive numbers!

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site

    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  7. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I've closed 3 duplicated accounts this week - I'll resume the closing of unused and inactive accounts next week.

    It's important that people who are no longer interested in family history are removed from the mailing list as they might otherwise report my newsletter emails as spam, which could affect delivery to the members who DO want to receive them.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  8. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -8 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 507 New Entries have been added and,
    • 14 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  9. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    There were 16 inactive or unused accounts closed during the week, so the new member figure was 8.
  10. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -21 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 1237 New Entries have been added and,
    • 47 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  11. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Red Dragon - there were 34 inactive and duplicate accounts closed in the past week, so net new members is +13
  12. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • 13 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 642 New Entries have been added and,
    • 4 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.
    An odd week, positive numbers for New Members but very quiet on the other 2 stats.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  13. Red Dragon

    Red Dragon LostCousins Megastar

    Hi Everyone!

    Here's a weekly update on how well people have been doing over at LostCousins.
    • -47 New Members joined the LostCousins site
    • 845 New Entries have been added and,
    • 16 Relatives have been matched.
    Data is still in a state of turmoil and difficult to report on, due to the effects of Peter cleaning. It will take some time for the data and the graph to readjust.

    Always good to see New Members joining.
    New Members mean New Entries, and New Entries mean New Matches. Everyone wins.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Here's a graph showing the activity over at the Lost Cousins site
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  14. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    There were 70 unused or duplicate accounts closed which gives net new members of +23 which is the best for a while, I think?
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1

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