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FT Analyzer Help please

Discussion in 'Family Tree Analyzer' started by Doreen, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Doreen

    Doreen LostCousins Star

    PROBLEM SOLVED before this got posted and I don't know how to delete it :) I know most of you Brits will be snuggled in bed right now, but if there is anyone reading this that can give me a hand, I would appreciate some help with launching FT Analyzer. It has been several weeks since I've used it, and when I try, I get "Cannot Start Application" - when I click on details, I get "+ The deployment identity does not match the subscription" error. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  2. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    If I read this rightly you have resolved the matter about which you posted. If this is not the case I suggest you uninstall FTA completely (it has its own uninstaller: click Settings/Programs & Features/FT Analyzer/Uninstall) then, when complete download the latest version which I believe is You should find it here; FTA
  3. Doreen

    Doreen LostCousins Star

    Thanks, Bob! I thought I had resolved it by reinstalling it which is why I marked problem solved. It did reinstall fine BUT when I went to use it I got this kind of report:

    "Lost Cousins fact with no Lost Cousins census country : 1870
    Totals: 1924 Found, 1 Missing
    Lost Cousins facts recorded:
    1881 England & Wales Census: 14 Found, 0 Missing
    1841 England & Wales Census: 2 Found, 0 Missing
    1911 England & Wales Census: 36 Found, 1 Missing

    What happened? Do I have to go back in and add country now?
  4. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Alex has been adding in the ability to capture and analyse the 1939 residence facts. I think this may have caused some issues with the Facts entered for US 1940 Census.
  5. MaggieL

    MaggieL LostCousins Star

    I had FT Analyzer loaded but haven't used it for a while. Now it says that this project has been moved.
    "NOTE This documentation has been moved from Codeplex largely unchanged and requires a LOT of revision, in particular a lot of links will be broken or still refer back to Codeplex" It also says "View FTAnalyzer on GitHub)" But I don't see how to reinstall it or even if it is still available.
  6. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I'll have a look and let you know the new paths.
  7. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    I too had not used FTA for a while but when reading your post I opened it and uploaded a Gedcom and it functioned as before (at least to the first task given to show those missing from the 1881 Census).

    I knew the project was to be moved from CodePlex which is to shut down (or already has) and by clicking on Help (About) in FTA you can navigate to find the message you mentioned and indeed the GitHub link. I assumed the process would still work by finding and downloading FTA but perhaps Tim will say if different.
  8. Bryman

    Bryman LostCousins Megastar

    When I opened FTA an automatic check was performed to make sure that I was using the latest version. I have v5.3.1.5 and it did not attempt to load a later version.
  9. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Same here Bryman, but there is a Ver Beta 1 on Github but I'm not sure it's linked yet.
  10. MaggieL

    MaggieL LostCousins Star

    Done. When I tried to download it yesterday, it kept giving the same message as before; but now it works, although I did have to uninstall the previous one.
  11. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Good News Maggie.

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