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Burials affected by HS2

Discussion in 'England' started by Kate, Mar 31, 2024.

  1. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Hello, I have heard that the disinterred bodies from the churchyard at Stoke Mandeville will be respectfully buried with a memorial. Does anyone know if this has happened yet? I believe my ancestor would have been buried there in 1833. Thanks
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I would suggest checking with the church.
  3. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Thanks, I should have thought of that! I have contacted the ' new' church.
  4. Stuart

    Stuart LostCousins Member

    I could only find what HS2 said during the excavation process: that the reburial site would be announced by HS2, and they had five years from the first exhumation to complete the reburials. However, that was before Covid, so while the five years is nearly up, they may have valid grounds for a deferral.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  5. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    I have been told that the burial ground will be in Marsh Lane. It will be landscaped and there will be a memorial.I recently saw something about it on Digging for Britain and they showed some of the skeletons. Although I find archaeology fascinating, I am never sure about disturbing burials.

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