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BMD Registers - the Official Non-conformist and Non-Parochial BMDs Service

Discussion in 'Non-conformist ancestors' started by RosemaryC, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. RosemaryC

    RosemaryC LostCousins Member

    If you are looking for ancestors who were Methodists, Wesleyans, Baptists, Independents, Protestant Dissenters, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Unitarians, Quakers (Society of Friends), Dissenters and Russian Orthodox, then you may wish to consult this pay per view service.
    You can find it at http://www.bmdregisters.co.uk/
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
    • Good tip Good tip x 2
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Great tip! And you can get some of the information free at FamilySearch, so it's worth checking there, too.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  3. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Silly question from me :) but can all non conformist marriages be found in the GRO listings? Or are the all kept in the church concerned?
    Thankyou :)
  4. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    Technically I believe that since 1837 you ought to find them in the GRO records as well , the value of the non-conformists records is much greater in the period mid 1600's to that date.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  5. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Thankyou for clarifying that for me Britjan :)
  6. Gillian

    Gillian LostCousins Star

    By the way, Carol, I meant to say - no questions are ever silly! If you don't ask, you won't find out. I thought about your question but couldn't answer it. So, thank you, Britjan.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  7. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    Marriage record searches tend to get repetitive but I always try to include Family Search ( as Peter mentioned in an older post). There you will also see resources such as the old faithfuls like Pallots Index ( accessible via Ancestry) and Free Reg. If you go via a Family Search to a parish you can link to Genuki and see all the churches and chapels in that parish and neighbouring ones. Boyds Marriage Index is accessible through Find my Past (and Genes Reunited) with good explanations of what it contains.
  8. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Thank you both for your helpful replies, with regard to family search do you know if they have the Guernsey marriages on there to view ?
  9. Gillian

    Gillian LostCousins Star

    Yes, and don't forget the Society of Genealogists (if you're a member) SOG. They have a huge collection of records.
    I meant to post this ages ago but forgot to click on 'post reply'. :(
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  10. Gillian

    Gillian LostCousins Star

    A quick search of family search revealed Guernsey Genealogy but I didn't have time to look and see what they have, but you obviously have to subscribe. Another one is RootsChat.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  11. Sue345

    Sue345 LostCousins Member

    FamilySearch section for Guernsey has 41,650 records under 'Channel Isles Birth and Bapts 1820 - 1907' and 224 records under 'Find a Grave index'. No marriages it seems.
    The site Gillian put a link to seems more promising.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  12. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Thankyou ladies I will take a look at those links :)
  13. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    It never hurts to see what conclusions about "hatches,matches and dispatches" people have made in putting their public trees on Ancestry. It can be erroneous information copied over and over but I've seen some good stuff. Lots of forum members are big fans of public trees and there's a lively forum subsection on the subject under "Skeletons in my closet"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2015

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