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FMP.com.au discounts

Discussion in 'Comments on the latest newsletter' started by VTinOZ, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Hi Peter,
    As usual your offers arrived even before FMP's own notice of the black friday discounts, THANK YOU!
    There seems a problem with your link for the 75% discount on a 1 month sub though, both links are taking me to the 10% off 12 month sub page.

    Regards, Vicki
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Well spotted - now fixed. Though the 12 month offer is a better deal because it includes the 1939 Register, which the 1 month subscription doesn't, so maybe I was subconsciously pushing you in the right direction!
  3. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Thanks Peter, I'd love to use the 12 month option but my budget only loves the 1 month option... if they'd just allow the 12 months to be paid monthly rather than in a lump sum I'd have a sub all the the time!

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