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Suffolk Surnames List

Discussion in 'More Suffolk Resources' started by FamilyHistoryGal, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. FamilyHistoryGal

    FamilyHistoryGal LostCousins Member

    • Thanks! Thanks! x 3
  2. Margery

    Margery LostCousins Member

    I had forgotten about this List. I might start looking at my father's family again. It could be a bit out of date, though (2008), but worth a try.
  3. AnneC

    AnneC LostCousins Star

    It may not have been updated since 2008, but will be useful I'm sure. Don't forget the famous Cosford Database, which despite also not being updated is a great resource
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Please note that both Suffolk Surnames and the Cosford database are already on the Suffolk Resources page so there's no need to list them here - the More Suffolk Resources subforum is for resources which aren't included but probably ought to be. Always check the Resources page before posting here.

  5. FamilyHistoryGal

    FamilyHistoryGal LostCousins Member

    Peter, can you add the link for where Suffolk Surnames exist before my posting as I can't see it.
  6. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    It's here, on the Suffolk Resources page. Every county has, or will have a resources page - the purpose of this subforum (and the equivalent subforums for other counties) is to supplement the resources listed.
  7. FamilyHistoryGal

    FamilyHistoryGal LostCousins Member

    OK that explains it. I wasn't looking there. I was looking on the list of websites you had.

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