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FTAnalyzer says I have no census entries?

Discussion in 'Family Tree Analyzer' started by Alexander Bisset, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    I'd like to make a determined effort whilst there is a limited number of people using the program to find out if there is a way to detect census entries in files where people have entered census data but it isn't showing up in FTAnalyzer.

    So if you know you have entered census data in your tree and FTAnalyzer says it can find no census data, can you do a GEDCOM export please of say one family group where you definitely have entered a census then reply to this thread with information about the family eg: which census is entered etc.

    I can then have a look and see if there is anything I can do to detect the census entries and add that detection method to the next version of the program. Thus making the program better for all.

    I was asked last week about supporting The Master Genealogist and the way it recorded census info. The member concerned sent me a GEDCOM file and some details about how the census data was entered and I was able to amend the code so now all 3000 odd census records in his file are detected.

    Hopefully I could do the same for your file.
  2. Maid of Kent

    Maid of Kent Member

    Are you and Tim working on the same thing? I have been having PM's with Tim relating to this subject.

    I have worked out how to get the FTA to recognise that I have made an entry and saved it into a Gedcom. However, when the cursor is hovered over the orange square which shows it recognises the fact that I have made the record, the wording indicates that the Lost Cousins is flagged but no census entered. Therefore, the square remains orange and does not turn green even though I know that the record has been added to MyAncestors page.
  3. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    The orange colour indicates that you have successfully created a Lost Cousins fact in your Family Tree software, and its been successfully recognised by FTA. The orange colour is also indicating that a Census or Residence fact has not been created in your Family Tree software and has therefore not been recognised by FTA.

    Do you have any green squares? Or any yellow squares?

    Or are they all red and orange?
  4. Maid of Kent

    Maid of Kent Member

    Have to get back to you on this. No time today to work on it.
  5. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    I'm the author of the program. Tim is very kindly assisting answering queries, especially whilst I'm on holiday.

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