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Should I manage or just view my daughter's results?

Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by Kate, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Hello, my daughter has agreed to take a DNA test so that we can see the matches on her dad's side of the tree. I have already done mine and also managed my dad's account. I organised my dad's test from the start so I am the manager and he was only interested in what I could tell him. My question is that if my daughter sets this up from her email address, will she still be able to link her results to her dad's tree which I have researched? I think she will, though as she doesn't have an ancestry sub she won't be able to see as much as I can with mine. Please correct me if I am wrong. If she wants me to manage her account we could do that, I think, using my subscription. If I am only a viewer, will I be able to see her common ancestors and their trees if any. I want to make sure we do this right as I don't anticipate that my daughter has time for research although she is interested. Thank you.
  2. uncle024

    uncle024 LostCousins Star

    Kate, I assume you are using Ancestry? If so your daughter can have her own account that has registered her DNA kit and then see her DNA results. Without a subscription she cannot look at the trees of matches. But if she then shares her DNA with your account, you can see her DNA results. If you then give her access to your tree, she can see you add the DNA matches to the tree that you control. I have my own full subscription and manage the DNA of three other free accounts, and do all the research and have all the trees. Hope that helps.
  3. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Thank you. Yes, I am using ancestry.
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, she will have to register with Ancestry even if she is not interested - it's to do with data protection. Appointing you as Manager of her test will maximise what you can do on her behalf, but if she wants to get more involved later you can change to Collaborator at that time

    It would be a mistake to link her DNA results only to her father's tree - create a tree which has both your ancestors and hers. For DNA purposes a public direct ancestor-only tree is ideal.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Thanks Peter. I would have to create a tree which includes both parents as our trees are separate. I have tested myself and my daughter will only have what she has inherited from me. Knowing which are mine will enable me to see which ones are left over, therefore her dad's.
  6. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    You don't have to create a tree, only merge the two trees that you already have. Any family tree program should be able to do that in seconds.
  7. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Hmm I tried doing it in Legacy and it wasn't that straightforward, nor with Roots magic. I will see if Ancestry can do it. Thanks.
  8. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    All three of the programs I use will do it in a trice: Family Historian, Family Tree Maker, Genopro.

    A Google search suggests that Roots Magic can do it easily, but Legacy would struggle. Ancestry can't do it (according to their own Support pages).
  9. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    Thanks for the advice.
  10. Kate

    Kate LostCousins Member

    I have managed to combine my trees on Legacy! I don't know why I could not do it before. Having added the second file, I married myself to my husband (existing person) and all his family appeared. I am still thinking about FTM though as it would be easy for my children to access and I wouldn't have to keep uploading trees and inviting them.

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