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LostCousins Newsletter 8 April 2013 - 21st Century GRO

Discussion in 'Latest news' started by Jennie, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Jennie

    Jennie LostCousins Member

    GRO still stuck in the 19th century

    I have just read Peter’s excellent letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary, entitled TIME TO BRING THE GRO INTO THE 21ST CENTURY? I cannot adequately sum up Peter’s true and realistic approaches on how this could be brought about and it would need to be read by yourselves. If Peter’s proposals were implemented, the cost savings to the GRO and the general public (which includes us family historians) would be great.

    It has been suggested in the past that we could write to our local MPs because if enough of us raise the matter, then the Home Secretary will be forced to take our concerns more seriously. And, I will add, that as members of the public, we have this right to express our views and seek changes beneficial to all. The fact we are family historians and will also benefit is not the main issue and will not be considered a top priority, only if it is advantageous to all the general public.

    This is a very important Brickwall that, collectively, we can all support Peter’s worthy efforts and aim, together, to dismantle!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Norman

    Norman LostCousins Member

    I, too, have just read his newsletter. It occurs to me that it might be worthwhile creating an ePetition at the government web site here http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Good tip Good tip x 1
  3. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Does anyone live in Maidenhead? Theresa May's constituency? Perhaps they could raise it with her at a surgery.
    • Good tip Good tip x 1
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Great idea! I might suggest that in my next newsletter.
  5. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Many petitions have been tried - all have failed to get anywhere near the number of votes required (even though one was heavily promoted through magazines, websites, forums, and even the FFHS). But it is something we could try as a last resort.

    I'm still opening the emails in my inbox - there are so many - and lots of interesting suggestions among them. Tune in next week!
  6. Norman

    Norman LostCousins Member

    Maybe not enough to change government's mind but 60,000 (if you could get everyone to sign) would put it 6th on the current list of most signed petitions.
  7. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Actually between now and 2nd May is a mixed blessings time. Things raised now may well get a "I'll certainly look into that" positive response due to the desire not to alienate your vote on 2nd May. However there are a huge range of pressures on the ordinary grass roots political foot soldiers to get leaflets delivered/canvass people/get posters up etc etc. That it may get entirely lost in the general melee.

    After May 2nd everyone is either re-elected or booted out and so you have lost the pressure of wanting to please to get your vote, but you gain from the fact that they are a whole lot more focused on actually governing and less on getting votes.

    Food for thought. I trust this isn't regarded as political just my personal experience as a political hack.
  8. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    I was wondering about a co-ordinated campaign of 60,000+ letters, YES, snail mail letters, being written? I am not sure how much credence is given to an e-petition as it is SO easy to just "click here", but perhaps an estimate of how many digitally available certificates each of us would buy, might carry more weight?
  9. Jennie

    Jennie LostCousins Member

    If this could be co-ordinated and help given, possibly in the way of producing a list of the relevant facts in a varying scale of content to suit the prospective writers' needs this could work alongside an epetition, and after 2 May as suggested by Alexander. All, of course, with the consent and confirmation of each step by Peter.
  10. Jennie

    Jennie LostCousins Member

    Is it possible with these important issues to give them prominence until finished with so that they do not become overlooked, please?
  11. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    I've edited the thread title and make it sticky so it appears at the top of this forum.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1

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