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Maritime History Archive

Discussion in 'More resources' started by Tim Clarke, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Tim Clarke

    Tim Clarke Member

    This site http://www.mun.ca/mha/ is at the Memorial University in Newfoundland and contains a vast number of "Crew Lists and Agreements" for 19th century merchant ships. In some cases log books are also available.
    All you need is the ship's Official Number (obtainable from Lloyds Lists) and you can do a free search which will tell whether records are held for your vessel and if so which years are held. It may also tell you that other records are held at other sites eg. TNA.
    The lists are detailed giving crew members, job description and often details of pay and conduct.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 2
  2. Jennie

    Jennie LostCousins Member

    Thanks for this. I found this link on the above site and that I could just enter a name: Newfoundland and Labrador Crew Lists Database. No luck! Will try and find out a related ship name later and give it another try.

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