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Home children Canada 1869-1930

Discussion in 'More Canadian Resources' started by RosemaryC, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. RosemaryC

    RosemaryC LostCousins Member

    If you think your ancestor was one of the British home children sent off to Canada, then you might want to look at this site, which will let you search several different record groups:
    "Between 1869 and the early 1930s, over 100,000 children were sent to Canada from Great Britain during the child emigration movement. Library and Archives Canada holds multiple records in different series regarding the Home Children."
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. RonO

    RonO LostCousins Member

    There was another good site called: britishhomechildren.org, (believe in England) but they seem to have vanished, as this link goes to GoDaddy.Com. I had my grandfather's and his two brothers's data listed there, but I can't locate the site now. Was given the name of the British Home Children Registry run by Perry Snow in Calgary, but my data isn't there either.
  3. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    There's a site here.

    In fact there are loads if you put britishhomechildren.org into a Google search.
  4. RonO

    RonO LostCousins Member

    There are loads as you put it, but none come up with the site where all my data was stored, britishhomechildren.org. It is still a GoDaddy.com site. All of the others have home child data, but are not the site in question.
  5. alanmack

    alanmack LostCousins Member

    I had two relatives listed on that site too and am disappointed that it closed down a couple of years ago. It had suffered a number of deliberate hacking attacks I believe. But the last straw was the "denunciation" to one of the pay-on-line websites as abusing the system resulting in a frozen account until an audit showed clearly that this was a false accusation. I believe also that ill health may also have been a factor in its closure. Clearly amongst a minority in Canada there is still considerable prejudice against British Home Children even though around 10% of Canada's population are descendants.

    I was lucky in that before its closure I was contacted by the granddaughter of one of my BHC's via the site and we have re-established contact between our respective parts of the family after a break of 106 years. Not only would I like to thank publicly Norah and her partner for creating the BHCD website but 'our' Peter for including a tip in the newsletter about the 1911 Canadian Census coming on-line. This enabled me to discover where my relative (with a rare name) had gone after the death of her mother in 1904 in the first place. Thanks, Peter.
  6. RonO

    RonO LostCousins Member

    Was contacted by Lori Oschefski from British Home Children saying they now have Norah Dennis's data from britishhomechildren.org, and is trying to convert Norah's data into a format that can be added to Lori's registry. Once this has been accomplished, I will see if the information on my grandfather and his two brothers I put on Norah's site made it to the new one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2014

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