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Entering Census Facts on FTM

Discussion in 'General Genealogical Queries' started by AndyMick, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. AndyMick

    AndyMick LostCousins Star

    I used to print things, but ran out of shelf space:)

    I only print now when I need to - for example, if I'm comparing 2 lists, I might print one and check things off on paper; or if I have a tricky relationship to resolve, I still find that easier on paper (especially if I need to annotate it). Back in the days when I started on computers, you shared access, so you printed off listings which you took away and studied until you'd sorted things out (usually 30 seconds after leaving the terminal!) and getting used to not printing has taken a long time. Improvements to FH software especially in handling multimedia have also helped no end.

    I also use a PDF creator (PrimoPDF which isn't the best but still works for me).

    What bugs me most is emails which spend the best part of a page telling you why you shouldn't print them, only to waste that page when you do have to print them.

    PrintEdit does sound interesting.

    Going OT again (sorry!) how does FTM add census references for everyone on a census entry? Can you supply a link to the bit of the documentation please!
  2. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    You add a census fact for each individual who appears on the census as the program won't know if there are nieces, nephews, aunties, uncles, grandparents etc etc on a census it doesn't attempt to add a census entry to lots of people so you need to do it manually. Alternatively you can view the census record on Ancestry and merge the census data with your tree this then creates an appropriate census entry for each person who appears on that census, it also attaches a source record and for census that have them (eg: almost everything but Scottish Census) it attaches a scan of the image to the source record.

    So the merge process is probably the quickest way to attach a census record to each person present. My issue with the merge process is that it records a RESIdence fact rather than a CENSus fact, which is just annoying. It also misses off the address part of the location and doesn't record occupations. Little niggles that I've logged as bugs but nothing has been done about it.
  3. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Hi Andy,

    If you have FTMxx software, then you can maintain your tree either on your pc or online. There is a very simple sync process to keep them in line.

    At the moment, I prefer to work on the online version which Alexander describes a bit in his first paragraph.

    But the steps are very simple, once you identify a person on a census, there is an option to save this record to that person. It then shows you this screen, where you can check the differences between what will be added and what is already in your tree for that person, I normally amend the address to include the house details at this point.

    You can then go through this step for the other family members listed. The image of the census and the source/citation are then added to everyone you've selected.
    As Alexander mentioned, it's a shame it doesn't add the house details, the occupation and that this works for granparents etc.
  4. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Tim you can merge data in the PC version as well as the online version. In fact I find the PC interface faster for merging as its less "webby".
  5. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I need to take another look as I find it difficult, there must be steps I'm missing then.
  6. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    A a quick tip to get you started find a record on Ancestry you want to merge. Go to that person in your FTM 2014 tree, open web search tab and copy and paste the URL web address from your browser to FTM 2014. Since the web search is just an implementation of a web browser you will see the record there. Note at the bottom you can compare record from your tree and record from web. The Merge button lets you merge and it takes you through a wizard that allows you to merge the data.

    You can also skip the first part and just go to web search - either by clicking a "shaking leaf" in FTM 2014 and viewing results or clicking web search and filling out the search form. I almost never fill out the search form. I usually use the shaking leaves. Note since the web search tab is just a browser you can visit ANY page. So if you wanted you could visit www.lostcousins.com from within FTM 2014.

    The key feature though is if you have already found a record on Ancestry you want to merge you don't need to search for it again. Cut n paste the URL and select the person from your tree to merge to. Although 90% of the time I just use the shaking leaves, then browse pages just as I would on my normal browser. The only difference is that since FTM 2014 understands your tree and the Ancestry website is that you can then merge records into your tree from the web search browser.
  7. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Ok, well definitely not faster, it has to download everything before you can do anything. There is no option to amened the the address with the house details as you add the census. And a probate record does not create a Probate Fact, which it also does not do online either.
  8. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Hmmm, and it didn't give me the opportunity to add her sister.
  9. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Hmmm I'll have to investigate the web merge version again its probably been upgraded since I last used it. If it allows you to add extra people and change facts, which granted the FTM version doesn't allow then that might be better. It doesn't matter which one is used as the sync option keeps things in sync.
  10. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I'm on FTM2012, but I'm sure the process is the same. Yes, I also use the shaking leaves and I do find them surprising accurate. (I think they use data from peoples trees to make the suggestions though).
  11. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    It certainly allows me to add the address to every person (they should update all addresses when I change one) and the other useful thing that I've found is this.
    For example, if the household head contains the father, a married son and his wife, and their children, it currently doesn't understand the grandson relation ship so only offers the head, son and daughter in law to be added, which I add. I then go back in the browser history 2 pages, select the grandson (which makes him the focus) and then save the record to him as well.
  12. AndyMick

    AndyMick LostCousins Star

    Thanks Guys - not actually within the programme itself but via Ancestry - a case of the bleedin' obvious when you realise!
  13. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I think its horses for courses. There are some things the web version does better than the pc version and vice versa. So depending on what you're doing, you can choose either approach, but it does seem to work well. And it works with FTA, what more could you ask for, but I guess that is a different topic.
  14. trebor

    trebor LostCousins Member

    A little late in to the discussion but yes these errors / omissions annoy me as well.
    OK it is another extra job to do but in FTM you can change the record type from Residence to Census (right click and choose Fact Data Options) - although you can only do it one person at a time if you have got more than one such record for that person with just an extra click they can all be changed at once. When you next Sync the online version is corrected as well and it is still recognised as a link that has been used.

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